Background Checks
Please complete all steps for the background check process before scheduling your fingerprinting appointment at the bottom of the page.
If you are a student in a degree seeking teacher preparation program you must complete the registration for field experience clearance in order to receive the clearance email required for field experiences. (This excludes Athletic Training, School Counseling, and Speech Pathology programs)
LiveScan fingerprinting appointments will be every Monday, Wednesday & Friday but may change due to demand or the university calendar. (There are no appointments on days the university is closed. If the university is closed due to inclement weather, we will reach out to reschedule.) The appointment location is Peabody Hall, Office 110, and last 15 minutes provided you have completed all steps below. Please select from available dates on the below calendar after you have completed all steps.
STEP 1: ASP and FBI Payment and Transaction ID
Complete your payment of 38.25 for the Arkansas State Police/FBI background check here:
- Under the “Choose a School District/Location” select the “University of Arkansas - Fayetteville"
- Enter the following Verification Code for the University of Arkansas: 8800016
- Under the “Reason Fingerprinted” select “Teacher (Pre-Service)” or "Teacher (Licensure, Lifetime, Renewal)"
- Upon completion of payment, you will be issued a transaction number and a printable receipt via email. Have the email handy when you come to your fingerprinting appointment.
STEP 2: Fingerprinting and ADE Consent Form for Fingerprinting (this must be submitted to ADE and submitted below)
Complete and submit the online "Background Check Consent Form/Fingerprinting Request" to ADE here:
- Under the “Reason for Background Check” select “Teacher (Pre-Service)” or "Teacher (Licensure, Lifetime, Renewal)"
- Under “Employer” select “IHE – EPP University of Arkansas Fayetteville”
- Upon completion of the form, you will be given the option to print the consent form in a .pdf format.
- Upload saved consent form below and schedule fingerprinting after completing all steps.
STEP 3 - Arkansas Child Maltreatment Central Registry Check. This has three parts: form generation, review/electronic signature and upload of signed form to DHS with payment. You will complete the first two parts online and we will do the third part in the office.
Part 1: Form Generation
- Under the Reason – select “You are a teacher, pre-service teacher, work for or attempting to work for a school in Arkansas.”
- Applicant Type – select “Licensed Teacher”
- School district: Arkansas Department of Education
- School district contact: leave blank
- Email address: (this may populate automatically)
- District phone number: leave blank
- School Mailing address: leave blank
- Complete all remaining parts of the form with your applicant information. You will need to list all children (related or non-related) now residing or who have ever resided in the home with you (including siblings) and all biological children even if they have not resided in the home. DOB and SSN will be requested for each child. Once all required fields are completed, click the ‘Submit Form’ button. If you have questions about this you can call DHS 501-682-0405.
Part 2: Electronic Signature and Form Submission to DHS
- The completed request form will be emailed to the email address you entered on the AR Child Maltreatment Central Registry Request Form web page. You will review and electronically sign the form with instructions in the email.
- Click “Review and Sign” after you have read the email instructions. The electronically signed form will be sent back to you in an email. The pdf will be three pages and include a document completion certificate. Submit this FORM below along with the fingeprinting consent form you completed above. I will have you upload the form to DHS and pay the required 11.00 during the appointment.
Your transaction ID number from step 1, the ADE Fingerprinting consent form and DHS Central Registry form will be required for making an appointment. LiveScan services are for University of Arkansas students completing educator licensure programs or entering a school district for the purposes of completing specific course requirements. If you are not a student or prospective student and need an ADE background check, you may call the NWA Coop at (479) 267-7450 for fingerprinting appointments.
Question: I have completed all 3 steps to get my background check, however when I paid for my FBI background check in step 1 I was not given an option to print or save a receipt but it did come out of my banking account. Do you know where I might be able to the receipt to print?
If you ever need to find the Transaction ID – you can call ADE at 501-682-4342
Question: I renewed my background check in November so I could sub in Bentonville. It is renewed since 11/22/2019. Do I have to sign up again to get a background check?
Question: If my background check got approved on July 27, 2019 should I still go ahead and get another background check, or is that not necessary?
Question: I have gotten fingerprinted as of 11/22/2019 for subbing, do I need to be background checked through the U of A?
Your background check cannot not be over a year old at the time of licensure. This will depend upon when you will be able to be approved for licensure. So you will need to check your account in AELS, look at the oldest date, anticipate that licensure will be around June 15-July 1 and that should guide you as to whether you will need new background checks for licensure.
Use the instructions linked above.
Question: What is the date that I need to look for, for when my background check will expire? ASP Cleared Date, FBI Cleared Date, or Central Registry Cleared Date?
Please see the directions for checking the status
Question: My background check is less than a year old, however my last name is different. I am having trouble finding anywhere on AELS website for me to update my new last name. Do I need to redo the entire background check process in order to move forward and apply?
Question: My background check is attached to my maiden name. Since I got married and have a different last name, will I need to redo it?
Name changes will occur after you apply for licensure and all of your information is tied to your SSN. Be prepared to also provide ADE with a copy of your drivers license or other documentation.
Question: My background check says "pending". What should I do?
Pending background checks can be a result of incomplete background checks (either the ASP, FBI or DHS Child Maltreatment) or parts of the background check not being cleared within the same 12 month period. You will need to login to your profile on the Arkansas Educator Licensure System and determine which part of the background check is missing or out of date. It is likely that you will need to complete a new set of background checks. If you need assistance in determining next steps, please call 479-575-6073 or email
Question: I had a background check for concealed carry, daycare work or camp? Do I need another set for you all?
Background checks for teacher education must be ADE background checks. Typically when you have done background checks through other agencies, you are not giving consent for your information to be shared to other agencies, hence the need for another background check!