
Candidate Support System

The Teacher Education Program at the University of Arkansas seeks to support candidates as they progress through their programs. The mission of our Teacher Education program is to prepare 1) knowledgeable, 2) skillful, 3) caring, and 4) professional educators. Our Candidate Support System seeks to identify and assist candidates. This system helps to clarify the rights and responsibilities of teacher candidacy.

To read about the Candidate Support System in detail, download the full University of Arkansas Teacher Education Candidate Support System. New Teacher Candidates will be asked by their program to read and acknowledge this support system as a part of admission to any program. Any questions can be directed to the Program Coordinator of Teacher Education at

Forms and Resources for Candidates and Faculty

Notification of Concerns

The electronic Notification of Concern (NOC) process was developed to identify, assist, and monitor teaching candidates who exhibit issues that could prevent them from being successful professionals. Goals of the NOC are to:

  • Identify and correct issue early
  • Support the teaching candidates in addressing issues
  • Clarify procedures to be followed when students fail to correct the issue
  • Provide systematic documentation and follow-up to support faculty, department heads, and advisors in addressing such issues

*ATTENTION Faculty: Download NOC form in Adobe Acrobat prior to filling out. Attach it and any relevant files to the Chair of the Teacher Candidate Professional Review Committee, Jennifer Beasley -

UA Success

In order to notify teacher candidates, advisors, and faculty in an efficient manner, the Razorback Educator Development Hub utilizes the UA Success platform. The chair of the Teacher Candidate Professional Review Committee (TCPRC) will notify candidates through UA Success for the following items:

  1. Licensure Tests
    If a teacher candidate does not pass a required licensure test, the R.E.D. Hub will message the teacher candidate and follow up with suggested supports. For more information on Licensure Test support, please visit this resource.
  2. NOC Protocol
    If a low, medium, or high concern is submitted for a candidate, the TCPRC chair will email the student as well as notifying through UA Success.
  3. Pending Background Check
    If more than four weeks has passed and a background check has not cleared, the R.E.D. Hub will notify the teacher candidate to follow up with Arkansas Department of Education.

Educator Disposition Assessment

All teacher candidates are assessed using the Educator Disposition Assessment (EDA) two to three times during their program. Each program identifies when the form will be filled out by a faculty member. The Educator Disposition Assessment focuses on the following dispositions that promote the profession:

Effective Oral Communication Effective Written Communication
Professional Positive and Enthusiastic Attitude
Preparedness in Teaching
and Learning
Appreciation of and Value for Cultural
and Academic Diversity
Effective Collaborator Self-regulated Learner
Social and Emotional Intelligence