Endorsements by Program of Study

An endorsement by program of study is for those who hold a teaching license in a standard content area and are seeking to add another licensure area to an existing credential that requires additional coursework and testing. You should always consult current licensure rules and procedures for endorsements set by the Arkansas Department of Education. If planning to teach out of area before requirements are complete, your school district will need to file an Additional Licensure Plan form with the Arkansas Department of Education.

Please note that licensure areas that are considered ancillary may not be able to add certain endorsment areas. Ancillary licensure areas include Speech Pathology, School Psychology, and ancillary licensure in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and Adult Education. Upon a completed program of study, endorsements available through the U of A that can be added to an ancillary license are Program Administrator for Special Education, Dyslexia, & ESOL.

Steps to adding an endorsement to your existing license:

Step 1: Select your program of study (see programs of study below)

Step 2: Be admitted to the Graduate School as a degree seeking or non-degree seeking student.

Graduate School Admissions Information

Step 3: Complete the Endorsement Questionnaire for the Razorback Educator Development Hub. This questionnaire will allow us to track those seeking an endorsement and better assist you in the process.

Endorsem ent Questionnaire

Step 4: Complete required coursework and testing (see the table below for your licensure area)

Step 5: Upon completing your coursework and testing, you will need to submit the application to add the endorsement in your Arkansas Educator Licensure System profile. https://aels.ade.arkansas.gov/AELS/Account/TeacherLogin.aspx

Once logged into your AELS profile:

  1. Access the application by clicking "Add an Area."
  2. Complete the information on the application.
  3. Select the licensure area to add.
  4. Be sure to select the University of Arkansas as your educator preparation program.

If you have questions about which licensure code to select, call 479-575-6740 or email Dr. Myra Haulmark at haulmark@uark.edu

Step 6: Notify the university licensure officer (Dr. Myra Haulmark at haulmark@uark.edu) once you have completed the online application. You might want to include a copy of your Praxis scores if you have not shared them with the university and your student ID no.

Endorsement Programs of Study

A student completing an endorsement program of study from the University of Arkansas must meet the following conditions.

  • Students can transfer six credit hours found on the transfer equivalency guide.
  • Programs that require less than 12 credit hours will be excluded from this policy.
  • If a student requests transfer of more than six credits, program faculty approval is required.
  • Transfer courses will be accepted for undergraduate courses with a grade of C or above and graduate courses with a grade of B or above.
  • NO GRADE BELOW a C will be accepted for undergraduate endorsement program of study courses taken at the University of Arkansas.
  • No grade below a B will be accepted for graduate program of study courses taken at the University of Arkansas.
  • Passing score obtained on Praxis exam (Required Praxis information can be found at the Praxis website for Arkansas.

Content Areas

Each content area for additional licensure specifies a program of study, and links to each are provided below.

The below licensure endorsement areas require completion of a program of study and cannot be added by testing out.

  • SPED 5173 — Introduction to Dyslexia: Literacy Development & Structure of Language or SPED 4173 Introduction to Dyslexia: Literacy Development & Structure of Language (Spring)
  • SPED 5863 — Assessment and Programming for Students with Disabilities (Summer)
  • SPED 5683 — Teaching Literacy Skills to Students with Disabilities or SPED 4483 Teaching Literacy Skills to Students with Disabilities
  • SPED 5433 — Curriculum Development and Instructional Planning (Fall)
  • SPED 5543 — Practicum in Dyslexia (Fall)

Required Praxis: Current Principles of Learning and Teaching Praxis, 5622, 5623, or 5624

Suzanne Kucharczyk

  • CIED 5923 — Second Language Acquisition or CIED 4413 — Acquiring a Second Language
  • CIED 5933 — Second Language Methodologies or CIED 4423 — Teaching a Second Language
  • CIED 5943 — Teaching People of Other Cultures or CIED 599V — Understanding Cultures in the Classroom CHED only (3 credit hours)
  • CIED 5953 — Second Language Assessment
  • Required Praxis: 5362 English to Speakers of Other Languages

Contact Janet Penner-Williams

  • CIED 5803 — Nature and Needs of the Gifted and Talented
  • CIED 5813 — Curriculum Development in Gifted Education
  • CIED 5823 — Gifted and Talented (Structure)-Practicum
  • CIED 6163 — Social and Emotional Components of the Gifted and Talented student-3 credit hrs.
  • CIED 6143 — Differentiated Instruction for Academically Diverse Learners.-3 credit hrs.
  • CIED 6073 — Seminar in Developing Creativity
  • Required Praxis 5358: Gifted Education

Marcia Imbeau

  • CIED 5573 — Foundations of Literacy
  • CIED 5963 — Reading in Middle and Secondary Schools
  • CIED 5043 — Content Area Reading in Elementary Grades
  • CIED 5433 — Methods and Materials for Teaching Children and Adolescent Literature
  • CIED 5533 — Teaching Language Arts
  • CIED 5583 — Literacy Assessment*
  • CIED 5593 — Advanced Diagnosis and Instructional Interventions of Literacy Problems
  • CIED 5793 — Practicum, Laboratory and Field Experiences (6 hours)
  • CIED 6233 — Organization of Reading Programs – Capstone Course
  • Required Praxis: 5301 Reading Specialist

*Course change pending approval

Linda Eilers

  • SPED 5733 — Inclusive Practices for Diverse Populations (Summer)
  • SPED 5763 — Teaching Persons with Severe Disabilities (Spring)
  • SPED 5673 — Teaching Students in the Content Areas (Spring)
  • SPED 5413 — ABA & Classroom Management for Teachers (Fall)
  • SPED 5873 — Assessment and and Programming for Students with Disabilities (Fall)
  • SPED 5783 — Professional & Family Partnerships (Fall)
  • SPED 5683 — Teaching Literacy Skills to Students with Disabilities (Spring)
  • SPED 532v — Practicum K - 6
  • SPED 532v — Practicum 7 - 12
  • Required Praxis: 5354 Special Education: Core Knowledge and Applications, 5511 Fundamental Subjects Content Knowledge AND Arkansas Foundations of Reading test*

*Required if coursework for endorsement was began Fall 2017

Transfer credit will not be accepted for CIED 5733 or CIED 5343. Otherwise, a maximum of 6 credit hours can be accepted for transfer with program approval.

Suzanne Kucharczyk

  • SPED 5733 — Inclusive Practices for Diverse Populations (Summer) — Must be completed first for SPED 101 requirement.
  • SPED 5413 — ABA and Classroom Management for Teachers (Fall or Spring)
  • SPED 5783 — Family and Professional Partnerships (Fall/Summer)
  • SPED 5873 — Assessment and Programming (Fall or Spring)
  • Required Praxis: 5354 Special Education: Core Knowledge and Applications

  1. The program endorsement program application is online. After admission to the academy, apply to the U of A Graduate School as a non-degree seeking student — assuming the prospective student is not also seeking a masters' degree.
  2. Must hold a standard K-6 or 4-8, or 7-12 license in a content area of English Language Arts, Mathematics, or Science.
  3. Students must take SPED 5733 first. This is considered SPED 101.
  4. All graduate hours must be a B or higher for completion of the Certificate. Classes with grades below B must be re-taken.

Suzanne Kucharczyk

  • SPED 5633 — Curriculum Development and Instructional Planning
  • SPED 5643 — Individual Diagnostic Testing
  • SPED 5653 — Individual Intelligence Testing
  • SPED 5733 —Inclusive Practices for Diverse Populations
  • SPED 5783 — Professional and Family Partnerships
  • SPED 5873 — Assessment of Exceptional Students
  • SPED 5883 — Research in Special Education
  • SPED 5893 — Organization, Administration, and Supervision of Special Education
  • Required Praxis: Current Principles of Learning and Teaching Praxis, 5622, 5623, or 5624

Suzanne Kucharczyk

  • EDFD 5013 — Research Methods in Education
  • EDFD 5573 — Life-Span Human Development
  • CNED 5203 — Foundations of the Counseling Profession
  • CNED 5213 — Lifestyle and Career Development
  • CNED 5303 — Individual Appraisal
  • CNED 5323 — Counseling Theory
  • CNED 5333 — Basic Counseling Techniques
  • CNED 5343 — Counseling Practicum
  • CNED 5363 — Dynamics of Group Counseling
  • CNED 5373 — Ethical and Legal Issues in Counseling
  • CNED 5383 — Crisis Intervention Counseling
  • CNED 5403 — Case Management and Counseling *
  • CNED 5513 — Counseling and Human Diversity
  • CNED 6023 — Foundations of Marriage and Family Counseling & Theory
  • Required Praxis: 5421 Professional School Counselor

Prerequisites for all courses are listed in the University of Arkansas Graduate School Catalog located at http://catalogofstudies.uark.edu/

Meet with your CNED Advisor prior to registration.

Emphasis in Elementary or Secondary School Counseling: Requires 54 graduate hours, including the core and the following 12 hours:

  • CNED 5313 — Program Organization and Information Management
  • CNED 6093 — Counseling Children & Adolescents
  • CNED 574V — School Counseling Internship (6 semester hours, 600 clock hours in an elementary or secondary school setting)

*Meets the ABOEC requirements for Psychopathology, Diagnosis, and Abnormal Psychology with the exception if taken Summer of 2003.

Kristin Higgins

The below areas can be added to a standard license by testing out only. This does not apply to ancillary licenses and adult education licensure. Other endorsement areas may be available to add by testing depending on initial licensure grade level and content area. For more information, call 479-575-6740 or email haulmark@uark.edu.

Required Praxis test:

5134 — Art: Content Knowledge

Required Praxis test:

5221 — Speech Communication: Content Knowledge

and 5641 — Theatre

Required Praxis test:

5113 — Music: Content Knowledge

Required Praxis test:

5857 — Health and Physical Education: Content Knowledge

Required Praxis tests:

5183 — German: World Language

5841 — World Languages Pedagogy

Required Praxis tests:

5195 — Spanish: World Language

5841 — World Languages Pedagogy

Required Praxis tests:

5174 — French: World Language

5841 — World Languages Pedagogy