Licensure Requirements and Checklist

Detailed Licensure Checklist and Timeline (2024-2025)

If you are enrolled in a teacher preparation program at the University of Arkansas and need to know how to obtain your Arkansas license, the Licensure office communicates with you every step of the way. Starting prior to admission to your teacher preparation program and throughout your internship year, we are here to provide you with helpful tools, resources and information!

licensure timeline image

Dr. Haulmark describes the licensure checklist for Arkansas. Click to view a full-screen option  

This list outlines specific items required for the university to recommend a student for initial licensure in the state of Arkansas. Even if you will not be teaching in Arkansas, many states require us to verify that all licensure requirements have been completed. Use this printable PDF to help you plan!  >>> >> Also,  if you are applying  for jobs, you can use this letter of intent to upload with application materials in lieu of the teaching license.

1. Complete the Consent Form for the Razorback Educator Development Hub. We are often asked by ADE and districts to provide information about our graduates and their licensure status. Please indicate your consent below. Who is Responsible? You, the teacher candidate. When can you complete this step? As soon as you have been admitted into your teacher preparation program.

Razorback Educator Development Hub Consent Form

2. Complete Professional Development Requirements. Documentation of the completion of professional development requirements which may be obtained through the Arkansas IDEAS Portal and are required for anyone seeking first-time teacher licensure in Arkansas.

Who is Responsible? You, the teacher candidate. When can you complete this step? As soon as you have been admitted into your teacher preparation program. Where is professional development completed? Professional development modules are completed in the IDEAS learning management system (See instructions linked below).  Arkansas licensure requires you to complete professional development modules that focus of specific topic areas such as bullying and ethics. Please note: Some categories for topic areas offer several module choices. Topics will have clock hour requirements. Complete modules that will meet the clock hour requirements for each topic area. You do not have to do all of the modules offered, only enough to meet the clock hours.  

See  "Get Started" instructions and module requirements (Google Doc) 
(Updated to reflect new licensure rules PD requirements, 9-25-2024. )

Submit Record of Learning PDF

3. Complete All Testing for Licensure Area. All test scores must be available to the teacher licensing officer. You can look for specific  Arkansas Testing Requirements on the Praxis website or on our Google Doc.

Who is Responsible? You, the teacher candidate. When can you complete this step? As soon as you have been admitted into your teacher preparation program but check with your program advisor for guidance or suggested timeline.

How to Know if We Have Your Scores (video)

4. Submit an online application in the Arkansas Educator Licensure System along with payment of the 75.00 application fee.  Who is Responsible? You, the teacher candidate. When can you complete this step? At least one month prior to graduation. (Fall graduates should apply by the end of November; Spring graduates should apply for licensure between April 15 and graduation)

Submitting the Arkansas Application for Licensure (video and step by step)

5. Check Background Check Status and/or Complete Background Checks. Arkansas State Police, FBI and Child Maltreatment Central Registry background checks which includes the Child Maltreatment Central Registry Background Check Form are required for first time licensure and all renewals.  You can schedule background checks in the Razorback Educator Development Hub at the below site:

Background Checks Steps and Instructions

How to Check on Background Check Status (video)

6. Completed Program of Study/Official Transcript. An official transcript with the degree conferred is required by the Arkansas Department of Education. It should reflect the following:

    • All completed and posted degrees.
    • Your internship/student teaching.
    • Students in CHED, ELED, SEED-Social Studies students, or students adding any Middle School Social Studies endorsement, must have a course in Arkansas History posted.
    • An official transcript from any other institution where you received a degree(s)


Who is responsible? The official transcript will be requested and paid for by the Razorback Educator Development Hub — Director of Teacher Licensure on your behalf once it is determined that degrees have been conferred. Please note we are only able to send a transcript to the Arkansas Department of Education and not other states.  When can you complete this step? Complete once your degree has been conferred and is on your transcript.

Remember! You will be recommended for licensure to the Arkansas Department of Education by the Razorback Educator Development Hub — Director of Teacher Licensure when all requirements have been met. 

Please let us know if you have questions about any of these items! 

Ethics Training